Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 21: Summer Hunger

Sunshine. Water. Play.

Words usually associated with the season of Summer.

Worry. Hunger. Vulnerable.

Sadly, somewhere between 16-18 million children will become familiar with these words, too, as they face an entire summer of wondering where their next meal will come from.

“Record Number of US Kids Facing Summer of Hunger”, a recent article that explains what happens to children during the months of June, July and August: http://www.aolnews.com/2010/06/16/record-number-of-us-kids-facing-summer-of-hunger/

Colorado’s Summer Food Service Program - http://www.summerfoodcolorado.org/

Summer Food Service Program is a federal nutrition program designed to replace school meals during the summer. Their website is chock-full of community resources and searchable option.

Day 21. Dollar 21. Pound 21. Hunger doesn’t take a vacation – children need to know they have some kind of avenue toward hope even when class isn’t in session. Thank you for being part of a daily commitment to making sure children have the nutrition they need during the summer months!

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