Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 50: What Does the Lord Require of You?

A message from Brenda:

I've learned to listen to the voices in my head.

Well, let me explain: I've learned to listen to the quiet words that are whispered in my soul. To pay close attention to the text that repeatedly runs through my head and heart. Now, I know it's supposed to be Wordless Wednesday. And I know we've already had a Musical posting this week. (I guess that's what happens when you have a music teacher as your blog lady!)

But when the song that continually pops into my head aligns with the Bible passages I'm reading for the day, well, I know better than to ignore the message! I may not have immediate clarity about its deeper purpose, but I know to heed its ever-present voice. More specifically, GOD's ever-present voice.

What does the Lord require of you?
What does the Lord require of you?

There goes that voice again. I'm listening! I'm listening!

Micah, that prophet of old, guides us along our Avenues of Hope today. In the 8th verse of his 6th chapter, he tells us:

He has told you, O mortal, what is good;
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice,
and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly with your God.

SEEK. A verb of motion. Action. Movement! For some of us, this might mean putting an extra canned good item in our cart. For others, it's saying an extra prayer when we quietly notice someone hungry on a street corner. To seek justice - to be on the lookout for opportunities to help others. Making sure people are treated fairly and have the food they need. Thank you for seeing 9.10.11 as one of those opportunities!

Who doesn't love kindness!? The human spirit reacts favorably when treated with kindness - perhaps a deeper smile starts to broaden on your face. Perhaps your soul brightens ever so slightly.

The smiles you are deepening are that of the hungry. The souls you are brightening are individuals in need. Your kind of love is to love in kind. Over 500 people are joined in such kindness on these Avenues of Hope. Bless your willing spirits and generous hearts!

Ah, I don't know which part appeals to me more: the reminder of humility or the partnership with God. WITH God. The comfort of this divine companionship is almost too good to be true! But it IS true. We walk WITH God, and God walks with US. We become instruments of that promised hope.

Our Avenues are that much more cheerful when we know God walks with us. Our Avenues are that much more hopeful when we are humbled by God's great gifts. To date, $28,585 has been pledged for Avenues of Hope! An amazing 5,836 pounds have already been collected and delivered to Metro CareRing with an additional 11,980 pounds pledged for the cause! You are instruments of hope indeed!

Day 50. Dollar 50. Pound 50. On this 50th day of our trek, we mark not a half-completed journey, but rather a journey half begun. Avenues of Hope: 9.10.11 is a community MOVEMENT. We are here to educate, motivate and encourage one another as hunger relief advocates. Thank you for your ideas, your comments, and your commitment. May God bless our next 50 days together!

(And for those who would like to actually hear the voices that
were singing in my head, here's a 3 minute opportunity for prayer.)

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