Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 42: Seeds of Hope

Check out Denver Post Columnist Bill Johnson's recent column,
"A pile of green to fertilize seeds of hope"
(click on the title above to read the entire article)

A $50,000 grant from coffee brand Maxwell House was awarded to Denver community farm, GrowHaus, as a part of a program created to honor and recognize community centers throughout the country for their work in improving the lives of residents in struggling areas!

The GrowHaus is an indoor farm, marketplace and educational center in Denver's Elyria-Swansea neighborhood. Their goal is to provide healthy, affordable food for the surrounding community and raise awareness about issues of food justice and sustainability.

Seed to Seed, the GrowHaus' annual summer leadership program, gets down and dirty with Denver's food system and the role it plays in our daily live with an engaging mix of workshops, group discussion, field trips, and hands-on projects.

Day 42. Dollar 42. Pound 42.
Seeds of grace. Seeds of love. Seeds of hope!

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