Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 70: A Hunger for Love

Geographically, more than 70 percent of malnourished children live in Asia, 26 percent in Africa and 4 percent in Latin America and the Caribbean. In many cases, their plight began even before birth with a malnourished mother. (source: World Hunger)

In Zimbabwe, a chief statistician said it was impossible to calculate the inflation rate because stores didn't have anything on the shelves to put price tags on. The last inflation statistic released by the government was 14,000 percent, meaning that last year's 50-cent loaf of bread would now cost $70 -- if a person could find a loaf of bread. (source: World Hunger Fund)

Between 70-75 percent of ELCA World Hunger funds are spent internationally, and 20-25 percent are spent domestically. (source: ELCA World Hunger)

Day 70. Dollar 70. Pound 70. There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread ~ Mother Teresa. Our gratitude for your participation in 9.10.11 is immeasurable, as is the love and hope you are bestowing upon your hungry neighbors.

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