Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 66: In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety Two....

...Columbus sailed the ocean blue!

And just a year later, on his second voyage to the Pacific Islands,
Christopher Columbus brought with him the seeds of
and made sure they were planted in Haiti and the Caribbean.

Learn more about these
delicious delights!

Random Facts about Oranges:
  • If you drink a glass of calcium fortified orange juice, it will be absorbed by the body better than calcium in a glass of milk.
  • More orange trees are killed by lighting than plant diseases.
  • Even though oranges were introduced in the United States only about a 125 years ago, they have been grown in southern China and India for thousands of years.
  • Marmalades are made of bitter oranges that cannot be eaten raw.
  • Oranges are orange due to cold temperatures where they grow. However, in the tropical countries where oranges grow they have a green to green yellow color. (source: Orange Fruit Facts)
Day 66. Dollar 66. Pound 66. Orange you glad you now know these facts? This fruit is very a-peeling, and is always welcome inside the doors of Metro CareRing! (Click here for donation information.)

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