Friday, September 9, 2011

Day 99: Virtual and Vegetable

Can you believe it? 9.10.11 is
right around the corner!

Saturday, September 10
11:00 am - 2:00pm

Bethany Lutheran Church
4500 E. Hampden Ave
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113

  • Ashton Altieri, 9NEWS Meteorologist, will be the Master of Ceremonies.
  • Local Blues Band Erica Brown and Friends will infuse the crowd with the best Blues in Colorado from 11:30-12pm while guests enjoy a BBQ lunch – suggested donation of $10 or 10 pounds of food. A brief intermission (12-12:30pm) will include speakers & recognition of participation, then it’s back to the Blues until 1pm.
  • Children’s Area with an inflatable jumping house, colorful balloons, and artistic face painting!
  • Bid on "Lovin' Spoonful", a metal angel crafted by Delia Stewart with all proceeds going to Metro CareRing!
Load up your vehicle with your food donations and bring them to
church parking lot
, where we'll weigh them and add them to the
big truck
that will make its way over to Metro CareRing!

Donation Envelopes will be collected at the Welcome Tent.
A kiosk will be available for on-site donations via Credit Card.

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With hunger on the rise in Denver, Metro CareRing's food pantry requires nearly two tons of food each day to meet the demand. Now, food drives can be conducted at the click of a mouse and donations made in seconds.

Visit to donate exactly what you want without a trip to the store. While shopping on Metro CareRing's Virtual Food Drive webpage, you are not actually purchasing food items. Rather, each food item represents a donation amount. These donation amounts have been based on current wholesale prices.

You shop online, placing items in your cart, and then check-out with Giving First, an online giving resource that allows 100% of your donation to go towards Metro CareRing! There are no credit card processing fees. This opportunity is made possible by Community First Foundation, a Denver-based community foundation. Contact Ryan at with questions.

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Metro Market Opening Soon! Metro CareRing will open a full client choice shopping center in October. Families/individuals visiting MCR will shop the Metro Market to choose their food. We're very excited about the opportunity to provide more dignity and respect to our clients! Metro CareRing staff and volunteers are touring the Arvada Community Food Bank on Monday, Sept. 12 and Tuesday, Sept. 13 at 10am. Please contact Ellie to attend:

Day 99. Dollar 99. Pound 99. Be it virtual or vegetable, Metro CareRing is dedicated to their mission of meeting basic human needs, promoting self-sufficiency and advocating for social change. We thank you all for walking alongside MCR on these Avenues of Hope - let's celebrate our journey together tomorrow!

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